Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Jobs for a living....

I never blogged,kept a diary or journal, because i use to think that its a girls thing, but now even Dr M is blogging,so..following the foot steps of the great leader,now i can say me and dr mahathir have something in common.(whoooo).Im still taking my diploma in accountancy but people around me my family,lecturers,and friends scare me to bits with their past experience on JOB HUNTING.yes,jobs!!nowadays mostly,what i can see is our fresh graduates got a job by,"pulling some strings" or "daddy has an old friend from school who is a big shot in some big shot company".it is as if we cant play clean anymore.some of us are proud of it, but mostly we just have to face the fact and play along this unfair game to get a good job and make halal money out of it.why did this happen?maybe bribery is the factor,miss use of power or maybe just an individual in a firm or an organization who wants to prove to everybody(his family or friends) that he knows big people in the firm.It happens.Im still taking my diploma,and planning to take degree or ACCA.But if this scandal doesn't stop,what will happen for my generation after we graduate in the future?basically in life we all know that if not prevented,a tiny dot can cause cancer(i just made that up).
Ahmad Sufi Badrul Amini


hani said...
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Bad said...

Hey Sufi, your sisters got their jobs without your dad's help. Think positive!! If you are good, people sought for your services. In this case you must carve your own niche and focus on what you want to be, dont be influence by the general consensus.You are gifted with good brains, use it and dont let it go to waste.

Matahari said...

vHi Sufi, you are so depressed....take your dad's advice, yeah, your turn will come. With respectable degree and a bit of luck I am sure you will end up like one of us (surreal!).. Don't give up, following one's footsteps is one thing, hard work is another.

halimrashid said...

Sufi dear..c'mon..lets face the fact. Its your personality that can win your dreams. Act like a teacher if you want to be a teacher and master your knowledge well should you want to be a master.You can be what you want and achieve your goal with more positive thinking and positive look. I'll always pray for your success. Dont give up.